Service Category

Wedding Services
Travel Services
Student Services
Business Conference

Airport Services
Religion Organizations
Private Appointment
Employee Shuttle Service
Current and Past Clients
We have formed a collaborative service network with companies in the same industry in the region to provide more flexible and flexible vehicle services for group reservations.
Undertake Long-term School Bus and Outreach Service Cooperating Organizations
Ma On Shan Methodist Primary School
The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School
Current Outreach Activities Cooperating Organizations
HKCWC Fung Yiu King Memorial Secondary School
Huai Ai Hui Project Care
Ma On Shan Methodist Church
Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong
Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School
BOA Technology Hong Kong Limited
Current Inter-industry Cooperative Transportation Organizations
Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
Truth Baptist Church Grace Kindergarten
Truth Baptist Church Glory Nursery
Truth Baptist Church Pictorial Kindergarten
Truth Baptist Church Kindergarten
Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association
Hong Kong Triathlon Association
Hong Kong Football Association
Hong Kong Badminton Association